“The Association shall elect a President and a Secretary-Treasurer and such other officers as it may choose and fix and determine their respective duties and authority.” (Quote from Covenants)

“SECTION 2. Election and Term of Office. The officers of the corporation are elected annually by the members at the annual meeting of the members. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. Each officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected and shall have qualified or until his death or until he shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided.” (From the Bylaws)

Each year the Association Members gather for the Annual Meeting. On the Annual Meeting Agenda is the Election of Officers and Board members. Each year our three Officers are elected for a one year term and one half of the Directors are elected for a two year term. Neither the Covenants nor the Bylaws invoke term limits for any Board position so Association Members can hold elected positions for as long as they own one or more parcels in the addition, are willing to serve, and the Membership is willing to elect them.

The Old Brook Farm Board consists of three officers and eight Directors.

The Old Brook Farm addition is divided into eight sections. Ideally, it would provide equitable representation if one Director were to be elected from each of the eight sections and the three Officers were to be elected at large. However, a homeowner willing to serve on the Board cannot always be found in each of the sections so our Board does not always reflect equal representation from all areas of the neighborhood.

Any homeowner can be elected to the Board. If interested in serving on the Board please make your interests known to the Board President. The email address for the President can be found on the CONTACT US panel of the WELCOME page. Thank you for considering to serve on the Board.

While the Association is fully committed to transparency with respect to matters of Governance, to ensure privacy the Board Roster is not published here on the website. Anybody anywhere in the world with a functioning web browser has access to our website. Publishing names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses on websites can lead to problems for those individuals who’s personal information is published. That, said, any homeowner may obtain a copy of the current Board Roster by submitting a request to the Board President using the email address published on the CONTACT US panel of the WELCOME page. In your request, please include your full name, mailing address, and your private email address. Further, please reference the parcel located in the Old Brook Farm Addition that you own. Finally, mention that you are requesting the Board Bundle. Once confirmed that you are a homeowner, you will be sent, either via a USPS mailing or an email, two documents: one the current Board Roster; the second the current Board Activity Calendar and Meeting Schedule. Please remember, the Board Roster changes with each Annual Association Meeting, and the calendar changes annually, as well, usually in January.