As with any organization, networking and communication is essential to the successful operation of the Old Brook Farm Association. Several communication venues are employed to keep our members connected and informed.

Our Facebook Group Page is used for the dissemination of information of an immediate nature. The Old Brook Farm Association group page is a private group page. Reading and posting to the group page is limited to our homeowners and residents. To be added with posting privileges, homeowners and residents can go to the Facebook group page OLD BROOK FARM ASSOCIATION and request to join.

The website provides a repository for information of an ongoing nature. The website contains the documents necessary for effective Governance management, and describes behavioral expectations and procedural instruction necessary to help ensure our members can live together in harmony. We encourage our members to become familiar with the contents of the website. Explore all pages of the website often. Use the email addresses found on the CONTACT US panel of the WELCOME page should you have questions about anything you might not understand.

In compliance with the Covenants and Bylaws, notices of a legal nature are delivered to our homeowners via U.S.P.S. Mailings. These mailings include notification of Dues Assessments and the Call to Association Meetings. Timing and procedures for these mailings are spelled out in the Covenants and Bylaws.

The Association newsletter, The Reaper, is published from time to time as a tool for sharing information of interest with our homeowners and residents. The Reaper is not published on a regularly scheduled basis, but whenever items of interest makes publishing desirable. The newsletter is distributed via email. Please be certain the Secretary-Treasurer has your current email address on file. Without your email address you will not receive the newsletter when it is published.

Finally, communication and networking must be a “two way street.” Our members must have a means for contacting Association management – the Officers and Board. To this end, the Association maintains a comprehensive email system. The email addresses are located on the CONTACT US panel of the WELCOME page. Email inboxes are checked daily to ensure we response to your needs and concerns in a timely manner. Feel comfortable emailing us whenever you wish to communicate with the Board. Please, do not attempt contacting us via the Facebook Messenger. Use the email addresses found on the WELCOME page to reach us. Thanks.